Last week we found a frog, dried up, and of course, dead in our vehicle!! Gabe had forgotten his 'pet', and we could smell it for a few days. Moriah...she is the cutest little thing, dancing every time she hears music, with her hands in the air, praising the Lord-- priceless! Madaline, her head always in a book, and when it's not, creating a masterpiece from something. Whether it be food, painting, drawing, or pottery. What life she brings to our home! Lake, cracking jokes non-stop, making everyone laugh. Dancing with his legs out like Napoleon Dynamite and playing his recorder as loud as possible throughout the house! Who could live without the never-ending daily joy that these little history-makers are bringing?
I am very thankful for this season we are in. Sensing the peace, joy, and happiness around our home. Life seems so rich, everyone so happy. The children are learning so well right now and always talking of things that matter, I like that. I don't like 'twaddle' talk, makes me feel as if we are wasting time. I love sitting around the family meal table experiencing food, fun, and fellowship together. When no one gets up because the conversation is so fun and enriching! I pray for more of those meals. They mean so much, to see everyone with big smiles and each child bringing their piece of the conversation to the table.
I miss America at times, and think why are we staying so long before taking a furlough. Right now, though, I realize that us staying here longer is allowing our family to settle more and to make this our home. That is the sense of peace I am feeling. It is just so warm and cozy around here now...something I have missed for three years. Yes, it has taken that long to make our house feel like 'home' again.
Blessings to you all as we move into new seasons! Here we are leaving the rainy season and headed to the winter (semi-cool) season. And, we all know it is fall, or football season in America!
Psalm 18:16- somewhere around 30 (The Message)
'God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start.
Now I'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.'
I LOVE THIS! May it bless you like it has me!!
Love to you all!!