Oh, the joy they bring! And, they prepared this all on their own! |
What does the Bible say about having children? Ooohh, don't grit your teeth too hard, don't gringe at the thought ;). Do we care? Do we think about this, or 'conveniently' pass the topic up, or just ignore the subject? Is this something that we are taught about or is this subject left out of our teachings? Recently, I have picked up a book that I read about 7 years ago called, 'Be Fruitful and Multiply'. It is more of a Bible study. We have 4 children in our home right now and I can't imagine not having another. In the meantime, I really wanted to study again what the Lord has to say about the matter of blessing marriages with children, and once again, I was so encouraged. Did you know that fruitfulness is God's blessing? It is the first and highest blessing that God gives to marriage! Read Genesis 1:28--God blesses Adam and Eve and commands them to be fruitful and multiply. I then began to just look up all of the scriptures that talk about blessings and children. I will just list the references:
Genesis 9:1,2,7 Genesis 17:15-17 Genesis 17:20 Genesis 22: 17-18 Genesis 24:60 Genesis 28:1-3 Genesis 30:13 Genesis 48: 3,4 Genesis 49:25 Leviticus 26: 3,9 Deuteronomy 1:10-11 Deuteronomy 7:12-16 Deuteronomy 13:17 Deuteronomy 28:1-10 Deuteronomy 33:24 Deuteronomy 28:63 Deuteronomy 30:5 1 Chronicles 26:4-5 Job 42:12-15 Psalm 107:38 Psalm 115:12-15 Psalm 127:3-5 Psalm 128 Isaiah 51:2 Jeremiah 30:19 Luke 1:28,31
I know it is not always a cake walk having children, let alone 4 or even more. And, when I think about it sometimes, especially right after a new baby arrives, I think, 'man, can I really do this again?' Then, as time goes by, and the challenges of postpartum, new routines, etc... go, my heart just melts again. And, like this moment, I think, how can I even begin to trust myself over God? I have trusted myself way too long, and that is when I realized I was totally destroying my life. I finally surrendered my LIFE to him, does that allow me to hold on to my reproduction capabilities? 'Can I please just be in charge of that God? I will give you the rest of my life.' There is really no way around it for me. I can't biblically back up 'not' having more children. Do you believe this is something we should ask the Lord about?
And, then you have the whole Psalm 127:4-5 talking about 'arrows' in the hands of the mighty, etc... If you study all of the scriptures about arrows(and, I won't bore you with the references, but they are there) we realize that arrows don't just happen overnight. It takes hours and hours of patiently working to straighten and sharpen an arrow so that it will hit the mark. God has called us to this task. He wants us to be arrow sharpeners! The more 'straight arrows' we prepare, the more arrows to help God fulfill His plan on earth. I will quote Nancy Campbell, the author of 'Be Fruitful and Multiply', 'Unless you are a warrior, you cannot train warriors. Unless you understand the battle, how can you have a vision to raise 'arrows'." Do we understand the battle? I am trying to gain a better understanding. Lord, show us more of the battle plan so that we can continue to walk it out in love and with patience and perseverance.
In reference to the Bible, 'arrows' were for war! Satan hasn't forgotten God's word. He knows that if he can limit us, he will limit the light that will expose darkness. He will limit truth that will expose deception. He will limit the 'arrows' that will destroy His work!!! I just don't see how we, as Christians, can get around these truths found in the Word. I would love to hear you comments concerning this subject. Please give me your feedback and let's study this out together. What about birth control? What are your thoughts? Think of the lights that would be living on every street...think of the arrows exposing darkness. Of course, I am not saying this theory is fact, but it is food for thought, and very important food at that. (**about our 'arrows'. I cannot imagine life without each and every one of them. The joy they bring, the laughter, the purging of my own sinful nature- oh, how they are used by God to get my nastiness out! And, how can I resist the others God has? They are so precious.)
How could I say 'no'? |
Be blessed and please give me some feedback. You DO know that this is my 'hanging' out time with you all, right? So, grab a cup of tea/coffee and pull up your chair and tell me your thoughts on this all. Just act like I am across the table ;).