Hanging out with my best friend, Jesus, the other day, I began meditating on 1 Cor. 8:2. These are just a few of my thoughts.
1 Cor. 8:2
'The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know."
I began to just ask the Lord to help me to always remain open and teachable. Help us to not think that 'our' way is the only way and the only 'right' way. That our hearts would remain soft and we would be ever ready to hear His voice, and His prodding. Let us not be so content in the ways that we have been 'conditioned' to live by, by society---Let us only be conditioned by the Lord!! Let not the world say 'sit boo-boo sit...good dog' and we--out of habit-- do as society or as tradition says. Let us always be willing and wanting what the Lord says.
Oh my goodness...as I am writing this I am reminded of the scripture He took me to today.
1 Col. 8:2
'See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ'.
How cool is that...it all goes together. What is God teaching? Do we even care? Are we too busy with our own 'Sunday, happy-Christian routine' to step out and ask God for ourselves? Don't always let the preacher teach you how to live...let the preacher encourage you to live as God has quietly instructed you in your private time.
Are we too busy running from our 9-5, to soccer practice, then to the fast food chain? Can we even hear Him? Allow God to be your role model, our private teacher concerning ALL aspects of life. Don't just 'go with the flow, with tradition'. Lord, teach us about marriage, child-rearing, gardening, entertainment, hobbies, etc...be our Teacher. We have given Him our all, you know, 'surrender all', but have we? We try not to sin, try to live a 1 Cor. 13 lifestyle, a Pro. 31 woman is our goal, but have we asked Him to teach us about day to day living. We will go to college and spend thousands of dollars to get our 'degree', but are we studying how to be a good marriage partner, a good mother, a good nuturer for our family? These are careers that NEVER end, and guess what? God wants to teach us the BEST way. Is the way our forefathers handled things the 'best'? There are more broken homes today than ever, more obesity and cancer than ever, more depression than ever, and this list continues.
Let's ask God how He wants us to handle the small things in life and not just the big things.
There you go...now for a recipe
We have had this for breakfast several mornings in the past two weeks and the children like it
Blueberry and Banana Cereal
cut up some bananas
a handful of blueberries
young coconut water and meat (blend this to make the milk and pour over your bananas and blueberries)
We also did this today with mango and it was delicious!!!!
Green Smoothie (or in our house, the 'army' drink, or 'princess' smoothie)
handful of greens (in America--i used spinach, Thailand--well, some 'dee jai' green)
banana or 2
handful of ice
coconut water and/or meat if you like
some honey(optional)
whiz, whiz...and there you go! Your greens for the day, and the children like this too(Gabe and Moriah LOVE it, Madaline and Lake--say pass the carrot juice please)
OKAY, one more picture...this is yummy, yummy tamarind!! So healthy for women, consistency of caramel, grows on a tree...thinking of raw pie crust...do you think it would work? Maybe replacing the dates?? I will let you know.
Awesome article. I praise God for how He is raising you up to be a daughter of God, a wife, and a mother. May what you learn from God be valuable to many, many generations after you and John until Jesus returns. I am very thankful for God's hand on your life and His mercy and grace on you. He is an awesome God and worthy of our time, our meditation, our praise. I love you! MOM
ReplyDeleteHey there girlie!! So when do your classes begin?? What are you teaching first?? I love you and am SOOOO thankful to be walking all of this out with you!